
Found 40 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Schachenmayer J., Weld D.M., Miyake H., Siviloglou G.A., Daley A.J., Ketterle W..  2015.  Adiabatic cooling of bosons in lattices to magnetically ordered quantum states. Phys. Rev. A. 92PDF icon pdf (2.54 MB)
Spethmann N, Kohler J, Schreppler S, Buchmann L, Stamper-Kurn DM.  2015.  Cavity-mediated coupling of mechanical oscillators limited by quantum back-action. Nature Physics. 12:27EP-.
Yoshimura B., Stork M., Dadic D., Campbell W.C., Freericks J.K..  2015.  Creation of two-dimensional Coulomb crystals of ions in oblate Paul traps for quantum simulations. EPJ Quantum Technology. 2(2)
Wang D, Xu S, Wang Y, Wu C.  2015.  Detecting edge degeneracy in interacting topological insulators through entanglement entropy. Phys. Rev. B. 91:115118.
Senaratne R., Rajagopal S.V., Geiger Z.A., Fujiwara K.M., Lebedev V., Weld D.M..  2015.  Effusive atomic oven nozzle design using an aligned microcapillary array. Rev. Sci. Instrum.. 86PDF icon 1.4907401_1.pdf (5.33 MB)
Vasseur R., Karrasch C., Moore J.E..  2015.  Expansion potentials for exact far-from-equilibrium spreading of particles and energy. ArXiv:1507.08603.
Singh K., Saha K., Parameswaran S.A., Weld D.M..  2015.  Fibonacci Optical Lattices for Tunable Quantum Quasicrystals. ArXiv:1504.06769. PDF icon ArXiv pdf (2.3 MB)
Yang W., Li Y., Wu C..  2015.  High partial-wave channel counterparts of the 3He-B phase -- isotropic and topological pairings in 3D. ArXiv:1507.02768.
Aidelsburger M., Lohse M., Schweizer C., Atala M., Barreiro J.T, Nascimbène S., Cooper N.R, Bloch I., Goldman N..  2015.  Measuring the Chern number of Hofstadter bands with ultracold bosonic atoms. Nature Physics. 11
Vasseur R., Friedman A.J, Parameswaran S.A., Potter A.C.  2015.  Particle-hole symmetry, many-body localization, and topological edge modes. ArXiv e-prints.
Dahlhaus J., Ilan R., Freed D., Freedman M., Moore J.E..  2015.  Pumping conductance, the intrinsic anomalous Hall effect, and statistics of topological invariants. Phys. Rev. B. 91
Wu J., Wu C..  2015.  Quantum Criticality of the Two-dimensional Bose Gas with the Lifshitz dispersion. ArXiv:1509.03953.
Xu S, Li Y, Wu C.  2015.  Sign-Problem-Free Quantum Monte Carlo Study on Thermodynamic Properties and Magnetic Phase Transitions in Orbital-Active Itinerant Ferromagnets. Phys. Rev. X. 5:021032.
Serbyn M., Moore J.E..  2015.  Spectral statistics across the many-body localization transition. arXiv:1508.07293.
Olf R., Fang F., Marti G.E., MacRae A., Stamper-Kurn D.M..  2015.  Thermometry and cooling of a Bose gas to 0.02 times the condensation temperature. Nature Physics. 11
Ware B., Kimchi I., Parameswaran S.A., Bauer B..  2015.  Topological Crystalline Bose Insulator in Two Dimensions via Entanglement Spectrum. Physical Review B. 92
You J., Liu I., Wang D., Gou S., Wu C..  2015.  Unconventional Bose-Einstein Condensations of Two-species Bosons in the p-orbital Bands in Optical lattice. ArXiv:1508.02914.
Potter A.C, Vasseur R., Parameswaran S.A..  2015.  Universal properties of many-body delocalization transitions. Physical Review X. 5


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