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Negative-Mass Instability of the Spin and Motion of an Atomic Gas Driven by Optical Cavity Backaction. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 120:013601.
2018. Cavity-Assisted Measurement and Coherent Control of Collective Atomic Spin Oscillators. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 118:063604.
2017. Mean-Field Scaling of the Superfluid to Mott Insulator Transition in a 2D Optical Superlattice. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 119:100402.
2017. Condensing Magnons in a Degenerate Ferromagnetic Spinor Bose Gas. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 116:095301.
2016. Cavity-mediated coupling of mechanical oscillators limited by quantum back-action. Nature Physics. 12:27EP-.