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Synthetic Landau Levels and Spinor Vortex Matter on a Haldane Spherical Surface with a Magnetic Monopole. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 120:130402.
2018. Methods, analysis, and the treatment of systematic errors for the electron electric dipole moment search in thorium monoxide. New Journal of Physics. 19:073029.
2017. Methods, analysis, and the treatment of systematic errors for the electron electric dipole moment search in thorium monoxide. New Journal of Physics. 19:073029.
2017. Fibonacci Optical Lattices for Tunable Quantum Quasicrystals. ArXiv:1504.06769.
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2015. .
2015. .
Topological Crystalline Bose Insulator in Two Dimensions via Entanglement Spectrum. Physical Review B. 92
2015. Universal properties of many-body delocalization transitions. Physical Review X. 5
2015. Universal properties of many-body delocalization transitions. Physical Review X. 5